Saturday, October 15, 2011

censorship and progression of media outlets


media beginnings and censorship

Beginning with the invention of the television the face of news changed. This rise took place in the 50's and 60's. The radio option lacked the option to personally gage a persons movements or reactions to what news they were saying and get a more personalized opinion on what they should acknowledge Since than the way we gather our information on topics that mean the most to us, like politics, has changed and expanded.This also help to aid in the equality of information reaching everyone who seeks it out. In addition to television we Internet and the various social networks,blogs and other vehicles to which we can find our own information. With the new developments in technology and resources both the news papers and the evening news lost audience, making them seek out new ways to entertain.With the convenience of our new media outlets comes the bad and the controversial.

   an example of this is the courts decision in the FCC v. Pacifica Foundation in 1978. In this case a precedent was set that the FCC has legal authority to fine any media outlet that knowingly allows the expression of obscene content under certain circumstances(pg.238). An example that was giving was well known nipple slip at the Superbowl a few years back, and an example of the repercussions of this is the delay that takes place during taping of live events. This gives times to bleep or monitor what the public sees.

In my opinion, censorship is a necessary evil but, this can only be done with in the rights of freedom of the press.Yes, we have the right to say what we want on any level of media weather its on paper, the Internet or on the radio. But as a parent I am happy that i can listen to the radio in the car with my three year old and her not have to use "ear muffs" when every other word is f*** or B****. For that censorship I am thankful, but the adult in me that love horror movies and foul mouthed humor appreciates that with a little extra on my cable bill a month I can watch what I enjoy, no matter how disgusting it is, and censor at my desgretion what my child does not need to here.

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