Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Entering the Gateways

      To me, this is the stuff college is made of. Our Government History is thought and action provoking  especially in someone like me, who has tried to stay away from topics like "politics" in  everyday  conversations in any social setting. Even when I am surrounded by beautiful minds with conflicting and entertaining ideals on society I keep my opinions to myself for two main reasons, Ignorance on the topic and, feeling so insignificant in complexity of our laws  and Government. What can I do to change injustice? How can I bring attention to the things that are important in my life? These are questions to which I personally believe are not lone to me. There is a large  group of my generation that have there heads down on phones and internet while having no desire to utilize the information at our finger tips to do anymore that ogle the latest trends.
      If we were all  aware of our rights and the fundamentals of our constitution we would except our responsibility as new revolutionaries and start making changes in every cardboard  box town, every pill ridden mountain side,and every gang banging slum. As framer Thomas Jefferson said, in other words, its the peoples right and responsibility to ensure the gateways  to democracy are always open and available to them in their pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. I am ready to stay informed and involved in the passion that built this country till the world we live in  truly becomes ours!

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